For Providers

BlackStone is a custom managed care provider panel that was formed by the City of Fort Worth to exercise the option to contract directly with health care providers for the provision of workers’ compensation medical benefits to their injured employees. The BlackStone provider panel represents an exclusive group of medical providers that excel in treating injured workers and in returning them to productive duty in a timely manner.

What you should know

Provider Manual

The BlackStone Manual sets forth the proposed operational guidelines and requirements applicable to the provider panel of BlackStone. It addresses specialized features applicable to provider under the BlackStone contract.

The Provider Manual is incorporated into the BlackStone Joinder Agreement and is binding on the provider panel. Among other matters, it sets forth the list of services requiring preauthorization, timelines for reconsiderations, applicable treatment guidelines, medical bill submission requirements, continuity of treatment guidelines, and the provider grievance process.

All participating providers will receive a copy of the BlackStone Provider Manual. If you are a member of the BlackStone provider panel and cannot locate the manual, contact us at [email protected] to obtain another copy.


BlackStone requires preauthorization for certain medical services. As such, the BlackStone Board has developed a comprehensive list of services that require preauthorization prior to obtaining the medical treatment. You can review this list via the following link:
List of Services requiring Preauthorization

In order to preauthorize a service, please contact a Sedgwick representative at:

Fax: 877-922-7236
Phone (for inquiries only): 866-286-0281

The preauthorization request form can be accessed via the following link:
Preauthorization Request Form

Case Management

BlackStone medical providers are expected to work with Sedgwick’s designated case managers in an effort to get the right care to the injured worker at the right time for the optimal outcome. Case managers will work closely with the treating physician and other providers, the injured worker’s supervisor, the workers’ compensation claims adjuster, and the injured worker to assure a successful return to work or alternate duty program where medically prudent.

Provider Nomination

If you would like to nominate a healthcare provider to be considered for inclusion on the exclusive BlackStone provider panel, please submit the following nomination form:
Provider Nomination Form

Please be advised that BlackStone maintains an exclusive panel of providers and may not have need for additional providers at this time.

Frequently asked questions

  • What if I have an emergency? What should I do?

    You can contact us at [email protected]

  • I would like to be a member of the BlackStone provider panel. How can I get started?

    While we maintain a limited provider panel, from time-to-time our member employers need additional providers in their geographic region. See the Provider Nomination section to the right hand side of this page for more info.

  • Where do I send medical bills?

    As a provider of workers’ compensation medical services in Texas you may be required to submit medical bills using the eBill process. You can submit medical bills to the following:

    • Sedgwick
    • P.O. Box 14572
    • Lexington, KY 40512
    • Phone: 866-495-7844
    • Fax: 859-825-6893

  • How can I inquire as to the status of a medical bill or claim?

    Direct all billing inquiries to the following:

    Phone: 800-635-9810
    Fax: 713-621-9511
    Email: [email protected]

  • The injured worker I am treating needs to see a specialist. Do I need to refer him or her to a member of the BlackStone provider panel?

    Yes, unless you get permission from the workers’ compensation adjuster at Sedgwick to refer to a non-participating provider. This can happen if the injured worker needs specialty care that is not contracted with BlackStone or if other special needs exist.

    You can access the BlackStone provider panel using the Provider Lookup links on this website.

    If you need to submit a request for consideration of a non-participating provider, please contact the workers’ compensation adjuster at 800-580-5477.

  • What medical services require preauthorization?

    You can review this list by selecting this link:

    List of services requiring preauthorization

Need to find a provider?